Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Robbins-Halle Nature Preserve

A tiny (~100 acres), seasonal wetlands catchment for the Wolf River, a tributary of the Mississippi River, Robbins-Halle is located in Collierville, TN, across a busy thoroughfare less than two hundred yards from the Wolf River. Because of the dense forest, you'd be hard pressed to know either of them was there. This was my first trip, even though I have passed by many times - it's been a "yeah, I need to stop and check it out" but I was always running errands or recovering from surgery. Excuses, excuses!

Middle of the afternoon, no one else in the very small parking lot.

A wonderful paved, flat and level path makes it available for people of all abilities to get out and enjoy this little patch of Nature in the midst of an built up suburban area.

As with virtually all the native trees here in West Tennessee, there has been very little color. I was hoping that the sweet gums, a predominate bottom land species, would provide their normal fiery red/orange display. But, sadly, no.

 The path, just less than a quarter of a mile long,  crosses a deep slough that will fill and can overflow during heavy rains. But now, it just has shallow ponds and great reflections.


 At the end of the path is an observation tower. During the flooding of the area, I'm told it's a great platform for bird watching - this day it was not.


From the images I have seen that others have taken during the "wet season", this provides some spectacular views. We'll see, when next it pours. In the mean time, there were a few little treats along the way.


Thanks for visiting. Hope you enjoyed this tiny tour of a tiny park.



  1. Replies
    1. Sorry for the delay - just got the theme adjusted so I can see comments. Yeah, it's a nice, tiny walkabout, good place for a photo or two. You get through all of your stuff and someday soon come this way and we'll visit these places. Peace and love to you.

  2. Loved this tour! Looks like you and I were on the same "trail" but many, many miles apart. Thanks for taking us along 😊

  3. What a lovely place. Great to see that the access is so easy. Just takes a little thought where this is possible to open up for all. Great images John.

  4. Lovely place, what an asset. I particularly like the reflections ones.

    1. Thanks Gethin - sorry for the delay in responding. Got that fixed now, I hope. The small places are often the best, and I value those that are least visited. And, like you, I love reflections. If my back were 100%, I would have stood there all day.


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