Friday, November 5, 2021

52 Frames Challenge - Week 45: Face A Fear!

 Well, it's not a fear, it's a frustration - light painting. I was never happy with the results, mainly because of the quality of the light used - too diffuse, too unfocused, lacking intensity. So, I decided to use... lasers! I love Camellia's use of ND filters, but I wanted the brilliance and intensity.

 I used red laser light.

And green laser light.

And even blue laser light ( which I didn't like at all - too weak)
But then, I tried red and green together - now, we're having some fun.


But green is still my favorite!




  1. Love the last two. They really pop. O agree with you, the green one is the best.

  2. My comment was published but needs to be edited cause this shmock's fingers are too big and so I became O. 🙃

    1. Thanks! And please don't apologize for the typo - my fingers are the size of kielbasas and I'm lucky to hit the right keys ever!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I agree with Camellia - the last two are really nice!

    John, I'm impressed you just happen to have a couple of lasers lying around! Where did you get them?

    1. Thanks Tom - don't be too impressed. Unlike when I was teaching and you had to have a license from the Dept. of Energy for a laser, you can now get them, set of three, on Amazon for ~$12. They're listed as "cats toys"! The blue one was pretty weak compared to the others, but green laser light is naturally stronger in any case. Get some dry ice and the fun never ends!


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