Friday, December 10, 2021

Black & White Minimalist - 52 Frames Week 50




  1. Great set and the textures work really well particularly the Coke can.

    1. Thanks Gethin - I've really gotten interested in textures because of the influence of Mike Moats, who I follow as a macro photographer. I just keep forgetting how much I love b&w/mono and need to spend more time with it again. Just added some more exposures to the album today.

  2. I like the entire set and how you have taken a different perspective on an ordinary, everyday item. I have looked at #17 several times trying to figure out what it actually is. At first glance I thought it was siding, but then realized that it is coming out of "the frame" so that could not be it. Ended up at a loss, hoping you will tell me 😉

    1. Thank you so much! It's the same as #8 - a column between the living room and the dining room, but this time I included the pediment. I was using my 18-55 at at 24mm, turned it to portrait, angled low, shot at f/10, ISO 200 1/6sec. I always taught my students, especially Env. Sci. students, to always take different looks from all angles and perspectives - it's where I've always found the wonders, beauty and secrets of Nature.


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