Sunday, December 26, 2021

In The Electric Mist




  1. 1,10,and 11 my favourites. The composition in one is great, with the bandstand and everything foreshortened into a thin strip along the bottom. The other two I like the layers emphasised by the paler fainter trees contrasting with darker sharper trees and reeds.

    1. Thanks Gethin - I love the scene at #1, too. It's rare to see it with no people around, so the foggy, early morning helped. Got those others just as the breeze started up and began to blow the fog away, so I made it just in the nick of time.

  2. Love # 1 and #2, #3, and #5. Love the composition and the mist/fog you were able to capture. Bravo!! 👏👏👏

    1. Thanks Camellia - usually when the fog comes, I can't make it to the park in time before it blows away, so I'm very fortunate that this time I did. I'll have to dig out some misty pics from my favorite park in Charlotte - went there almost every day.

  3. Dang, John, you have outdone yourself. This set is one of your best ever. I agree with Gethin and Camellia, and I love the atmosphere created by the fog, trees, and water.

    1. Thanks Tom - I really appreciate that. There's just something about foggy/misty mornings that's so wonderful to just be out in, let alone photograph. I was lucky to get there before it vanished.


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