Sunday, January 9, 2022

Drinks are on me!




  1. These are really really nice! You found the best backdrops for this series. It is one of those activities that never tire me or bore me. I can shoot tons of these glass refractions. Very nice! Btw have you tried the spoon one that's on that fb site we both belong to?
    P.S. I scrolled up and down twice again to see if I could find a favorite and quite honestly all are my favorite. I think having the same lay out but different backdrops and having the entire series posted adds to the beauty of this post. 😊

    1. Thanks! I agree that this never gets boring and having the same set up is key. I'll check out the "Tricks" site to see if I can find the spoon ( if that's the one you're talking about). No end, that I can see, to fun with reflections and refractions. I have a large piece of black plexi coming, hopefully today, that should make things easier.

  2. Wow these are sharp. I would say highly saleable images.

    1. Thanks Gethin! - I guess I need to quit comparing them to those of Gerri Jones, from whom I learned to do this via a video tutorial. Hers are so incredibly sharp and clear, and so perfectly aligned, spaced and balanced. It is encouraging to her you and Camellia and others say positive tings about, so thanks again.


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