Sunday, February 6, 2022

Ice, Ice Baby!

Winter Storm Lamar - yes, they, too have names now - came and went, leaving over 175K in the greater Memphis area without power. Fortunately, there was no loss of life and little injury. Since Nature's fury can present great beauty, as well, here's what little I was able to capture after the storm, when the sun finally came out. And since the world, to some, isn't always in color, I've included black and white versions of each shot. 

That happens to fit nicely with the theme for the 52 Frames challenge this week. I even went for the "extra credit" points - granted none of this is truly competitive and no awards are given. However, the extra credit was to shoot with a ND (neutral density) 10 filter for a more dramatic effect. Not having a ND 10, but possessing ND 8 and 2, i decided to stack filters. And so I did. Or so I thought. In reality, I had grabbed my 8 and 4, so some of these (but not all) were shot with an ND 12. The more the merrier!



  1. The one with the pond is my favorite!!!! Where is that?

    1. Ballard Rd., on the left just past the Circle K at the Piperton junction. Really large lots and houses. Harley and I used to cruise it like burglars casing a job.

  2. Love, love the colored ones. Glad I am not in it but truly some nice photos of the ice and cold. The ND does a striking job, really makes the colors pop. Well done! You win a prize from me 😊

    1. Thanks! Of course, there was actually too much light and/or I forgot my flash for fill light for some of the tighter shots and the pop up wouldn't reach. I was in such a hurry because it was melting so fast and I had to drive into Collierville (15 miles). Got pelted with falling icicles! Ours was so light, it all melted at first light!

  3. Generally think I prefer the colour but 2 and 4 work really well.

    1. I agree with you - I had higher hopes for the b&w, but that's on me.


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