Thursday, February 3, 2022

Supermarket Flowers Part 2




  1. Like number 6 best. The interior detail and lighting are beautiful.

    1. Thanks - I really like that one as well, too. I spend so much time lighting and have so much to learn. Such a babe in the woods, I am!

  2. I love the background colors you have added, makes the flowers stand out, especially #3 &#7. So apples are concidered to be flowers or are my eyes deceiving me?

    1. Thanks you! Those are some ICM or blurred images from the field I took and printed, glued on 8x10 print mailers (very stiff - had to buy a bunch one time) and just clip in my little dark box. So, apples are fruits because they come from flowers, just as do tomatoes, peppers, eggplants and squash. Vegetables come from stems, leaves or roots. The one to which you are referring, however, is a bud of St. John's Wort, which is exceeding common in floral arrangements. They can be yellow or red. Please, DO NOT, under any circumstances, make a tincture or infusion from those that come from arrangements, as you do not know if they have been treated with insecticides or other chemicals. They outlast every flower in any arrangement, hands down._


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