Sunday, March 27, 2022

Long Exposure & Light Painting - 52 Frames Week 12

A little of this...


and a little of that,

but I end up back at the first image I made at 4am this morning. Go figure!



  1. I too prefer #1. You can see the texture a little more and the ridges/separation between the petals. I also like the light in the first one. Number 2 is too red for me and number 3 is too harsh. But really....4 am????

    1. Yeah, number two was the old red laser, over which i normally have better control. Lately, I just suck at light painting. Too much light, too little, too much grain, too little contrast. Not having fun with the ND filters. May be a case of "piss poor attitude yields piss poor performance" (old athletic adage). Will adjust! 4am? I usually am awake at 2:30-3 - getting out of bed is another matter. The back and neck wake me up, but sometimes I can work a deal for a few hours of bed rest more. Will be evaluated for an implantable nerve stimulator on the 4th, so maybe some relief in sight. It sure is quiet that time of the morning.🤣🤣🤣


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