Saturday, March 5, 2022

Upon Further Reflection...52 Frames Week 9




  1. Ohhhhh someone's been playing hard.Some really excellent reflections and colors. I am still struggling making a decision of which to post. Thankfully, I still have another 24 hours :)

    1. Thanks! I know the choice is so hard, but you already know which one, don't you? Come on! And you are to blame for much of my "playing". The shots come naturally, but the editing is getting more complex. Yes, you said, and I paraphrase, if you don't like Photoshop, why don't you look at GIMP. My reply, at the time, was that I had investigated GIMP many years ago but found instructions and tutorials lacking and inadequate. But, recently, I have found Davies Media, a fantastic site for all things GIMP (and others, as well). Made it easier to jump back in. But, I still run first pass through Photoscape X Pro and use SPE and ON1 a lot. Still, I am going more and more to GIMP, especially with older exposures and scans, to produce better images. You are my Queen!!

  2. Another interesting post. Very inventive.

  3. It's that crazy woman, Camellia - every time she does something wild and inventive, I have to find a way to try and keep up. And it never works!!

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